Monday, February 21, 2005

My Mind is not here

I don't know where my mind has gone. But it is not here. Maybe it is still sleeping. I should still be sleeping. There is nothing like sleep to get rid of a blue funk, to avoid homework and to help you stay awake when you have to go to class much later. I should not have stayed up till after 2 am. But I did. Remarkably, I have remained awake all day. I think it was the black tea. I have discovered it to taste good and have caffiene. Works quite well since I cannot have coffee with icecream for a while. I found an interesting read online to keep myself amused during history. Most of my fellow blogonauts have entered a hiatus of writing. I have a new blogonaut friend. Hooray. But that sad part of it all is that I stayed awake for all of class and didn't miss anything. Atleast I don't think I did. Just another discussion about just another atheist philosopher. (Thanks for that observation, Jon.) Now in Morality, the teacher likes to talk. And I can blog. We are supposed to be doing a presentation right now. But he's talking, and killing class time, so I think I'll be ok with it. Somehow, I think Plato is not gonna have as much of an impact here as it did at TAC. I've gotten what I need out of it, and no one will get much out of this class either. Happy Plato and Aristotle reading day!