Everyone's Dad Should be a Pilot
You've all seen my "where in the world have I been" Map. (If you haven't scroll down to the bottom of this page.) I've been places. Granted, there are many people in the world who are more widely traveled than I am, but I don't need to join the army to see the world!
My Dad is a pilot for good ole UAL. *Many prayers to the deity that they clear the bankruptcy courts soon and with flying colors. - Maybe without red though-* As such, he and his family get to fly free -standby space available- but free. And so, we got to see the world. Now that he's retired, our seniority is even better, and I get to enjoy it as long as I stay in college. Not only is that a good reason to be a super senior, it’s my Number 1 reason to stay in college. That's why I'm goin' home this weekend to catch the first snows of the season up in the good ole